I make the dumb comic MGFS read it I guess
Updates soon??

Age 19, Male


Joined on 7/14/20

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This will be a update post on what I wanna post on NG and what I wanna do with my comic

Alright it took about a year to release chapter 9 of MGFS! why is that ? For one I have just been really critical of how I draw and I wanna improve more and more to the point where I could release something that people would like. I have also been just lazy with making the comic (never heard that from an online comic artist before) it's not that I don't wanna make the comic I just wanna focus on other things and MGFS got pushed back tell I had some of my friends ask if I'm still making the comic around May of this year and I said "im working in " (this was a lie) I had not worked on the comic at that time for a while. I then sketched out the chapter got it all done and took a long ass time (6 months) with the line art and color and that is how it took over a year to release a comic chapter. The thing I learned from this experience is that I should not take a year to release a chapter that I promised people I would be trying to release soon.

Alright now for my future goals on NG.

- Make an animation that looks good!

This is what I wanna spend 80% of my art time on I want to release it when it is fully finished and not rushed (kinda long term)

- Improve my art to the point I can open some commissions so I can draw for people!!

I don't think I will make it expensive I'll start with like 1$ for sketches 5$ for color 10-20$ for color and shading. (Just a note I don't really know what the commission prices should be I'm just starting small so people could get some art at a reasonable price from me)

- update MGFS a few times a year tell it is finished

I don't know how long it will take for me to finish the series. I have a lot of it already planned out but not super planned out I just know where I want to go with the story and characters and how it is gonna end it is just the inbetween stuff I don't know about !!

- Join a big animation project (long term goal)


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